Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - What Inspired Me to go Nude

A few of the things that inspired me to change:

  1. I was diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency - when my doctor told me that my number was an 8, it didn't mean that much to me until she told me what the normal range should be from the lowest to the highest...20-100.  That made me blink a few times.  I realized that my aches, pains, lethargy, and depression all could be caused by this one addition to the fact that I'm overweight of course.
  2. Two movies - Food Inc and Botany of Desire.  If you haven't seen them, then please do so right now.  The former deals with how the food industry has trained us to eat and how, ironically enough, we're to blame.  The latter focuses on the survival of the fitess in the world of plant life...very good stuff.
  3. Looking at pictures of myself - I have gone up and down and up and down; all fully documented in four-color...enough said.
It isn't enough to say you want to change.  I think my problem has always been not remembering why I wanted to change.  Sure I want to look good but I want to FEEL good too.  I will look to my inspiration anchors above if I lose sight of the why...Hopefully that will help.


  1. Hey Kat - best of luck with a real change in 2010! I too am making a dietary change (thanks to Michael Pollan & Food Inc.). I've blogged about it on my personal blog,

  2. Whisking! So sorry, I didn't see the comments posted until today! Lordy! I will look up your blog right away. Are you on
